
Are you looking for help or individual support?

HiDALGO provides a customer support and a community forum for users that want to dive a little deeper or need help while using HiDALGO Technologies in the Global System Science HPC applications. 

The HiDALGO Centre of Excellence makes its products and services easily accessible in a single place: The HiDALGO Customer Portal. The portal introduces complex technologies (HPC, HPDA and AI) and infrastructures with a user-friendly graphical interface to make it easier for non-technical users to get the information and support they are looking for. 

HiDALGO provides several services that are available through the the HiDALGO portal: customer support, a public forum, matchmaking, a public data management system, co-design experiments, and customer training.

Last Wednesday, the HiDALGO mid-term project review took place. Due to the COVID-19 situation, this time round the review was organised as a remote call. It was a long day with many valuable questions from the reviewers who provided a list of fair and important recommendations. The overall feedback was very positive.

The HiDALGO youtube channel is now online. Check it out here!

Researchers from the HiDALGO project have forecast how localised measures in London, like closing certain shops or quarantining residents in particular buildings, may impact the coronavirus spread. Read more here!


HiDALGO offers the possibility of associate partnership. The purpose is to foster collaboration between HiDALGO and other CoEs, projects, companies, or research institutes and make the collaboration visible.

This option includes:

Scientists from the HiDALGO project use simulations to predict the spread of the Corona virus in certain areas of London.

Check out the full articles at the Metro and the Sun.

HiDALGO assembles a highly interdisciplinary team for its ambitious project work. Integration is fostered through regular sessions at (online) project meetings. A sub-task implements internal project surveys to identify in which places integration might still be improved.

HiDALGO participated in an online conference on 11-12 June 2020 on “Multiscale Modelling, Uncertainty Quantification and the Reliability of Computer Simulations”, with a total of five talks spanning all the pilot application domains. The conference was attended by more than 250 people, and is a combination of three events that were due to take place at the SIAM Conference on Uncertainty Quantification (UQ20) and the International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS) 2020, but were cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.