1st Flee Workshop held in Adama, Ethiopia

Flee Workshop

We held the 1st Flee Workshop at the Adama Science and Technology University in Adama, Ethiopia on 16-18th of July 2019. The workshop had approximately 25 participants, and was largely funded through the Gesellschaft Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and HESC, the authority for Higher Education in Ethiopia. The tutor attendance was supported by a Brunel University London impact grant and the HiDALGO project.

On the first day we were asked to teach Python Software Carpentry, to establish basic Python programming skills among the group. We used the basic tutorial from software-carpentry.org, which focused primarily on data-analysis on a medical data set. 

On the second day we introduced the Flee code in the morning, and presented our validation results, as well as our work on coupling and validation. In the afternoon we presented the “Design and Prototype your own Agent-based Simulation” tutorial. 

On the third day we did the paper prototyping part of the earlier prototyping tutorial, and composed Hackathon teams around simulation building. The topics of the 4 teams included modelling environmental pollution, trafficking, student admissions, and message exchange between internet servers. During the afternoon, we also introduced the students to coupled simulations, as developed in HiDALGO, and explained some of the key challenges when developing a parallel implementation. All content was well received, and in 4.5 hours all teams managed to make a design specification of a simulation, with one team also implementing some prototype functionality.