Work Package 4


FabSim3 is a Python-based automation toolkit for scientific simulation and data processing workflows, licensed under the BSD 3-clause license. It aims to enable users to perform remote tasks from a local command-line, and to run applications while curating the environment variables and the input and output data in a systematic manner. To provide that curation, FabSim uses a basic data transfer functionalities such as rsync and ssh.


FabFlee is a plugin for automated Flee-based simulations. It provides an environment to construct, modify and execute simulations as a single run or ensemble runs. FabFlee aims to predict the distribution of incoming refugees across destination camps under a range of different policy situations.


Flee is an agent-based modelling toolkit which is purpose-built for simulating the movement of individuals across geographical locations. Flee is currently used primarily for modelling the movements of refugees and internally displaces persons (IDPs).

Performance and Scalability

Refer to the number of model types coupled in the application, supported coupling mechanisms, data size (coupling) total, number of data source types connected to an application, and max core count for a full application (realistic theoretical estimate).


Flee has been parallelized using a basic parallelization algorithm, where agents are uniformly distributed across the processes. Uses the Message Passing Interface for Python (MPI4Py), Agents are equally distributed across processes. Locations are still duplicated across all processes.


It is including efforts to bring together data sources from different domains to increase the value of services. Currently the couplings are either very close running on the HPC or loosely coupled by one model writing out its full output and other models/services triggered from it.