Work Package 4

Graph Analyzer Tool

The Graph Analyzer is a validation tool for social graph generators. It compares an empirical graph of a real world social network with a synthetic graph from a generator. It does this by computing and comparing statistical properties of both graphs. For comparison we use distributions of: vertex degree, clustering coefficient, shortest distance between vertices and harmonic centrality.


Within the last decades, international migration demonstrated an escalating growth with more than 68 million people forcibly displaced worldwide. Forced displacement has a huge impact on society today as 40 million people internally displaced within their home country and 25.4 million refugees fled to neighbouring countries. Forcibly displaced people face several concerns, namely, the choice to stay or flee, the choice to flee internally or across borders, and the choice of destination.

Gregor Bankhamer, Robert Elsässer, Dominik Kaaser, and Matjaž Krnc

Positive Aging Admits Fast Asynchronous Plurality Consensus

David Bell and Derek Groen, Navonil Mustafee, Jonathan Ozik, and Steffen Strassburger

Hybrid Simulation Development – Is It Just Analytics?

Christian V. Campos, Diana Suleimenova, Derek Groen

A Coupled Food Security and Refugee Movement Model for the South Sudan Conflict

Sergiy Gogolenko, Derek Groen, Diana Suleimenova, Imran Mahmood, Marcin Lawenda, F. Javier Nieto De Santos, John Hanley, Milana Vuckovic, Mark Kroell, Bernhard Geiger, Robert Elsässer, Dennis Hoppe

Towards Accurate Simulation of Global Challenges on Data Centers Infrastructures via Coupling of Models and Data Sources